for Reliability Engineering

Understanding the Setup

Interpreting Our Results In Context


We are specifically interested in the bidirectional relationship between machine types and failure types. Let's discuss how survival analysis tools could be used to investigate this and how to interpret our results.

Survival Analysis Techniques

Multivariate log-rank Test: Our initial test is a good start. This highlights whether there's an overall association between machine type and failure patterns.

Pairwise Standard Log-rank Tests: These are helpful for isolating specific machine type comparisons.

Kaplan-Meier Curves: Plotting these stratified by:

Cox Proportional Hazards Model: 

Important Considerations

Competing Risks: If multiple failure types can occur independently on the same machine, competing risks models might be more appropriate.

Interaction Effects: We explored whether interaction terms between machine type and failure type are meaningful in our Cox proportional hazard models. This reveals us if certain failure types are more strongly associated with specific machine types.

Interpreting our Results Under This Goal

Focus on whether:

Specific machine types are associated with increased or decreased risk of certain failure types.

Specific failure types have differing survival patterns (time to failure) depending on the machine type in which they occur.

Analysis Strategies

Focus of Interpretation

Observations (Hyp Hypothetical, based on our data)